Category Archives: Weight Loss

4 Truths About Why People REALLY Are Fat

Today, millions of Americans are fighting the battle of the bulge, carrying enough extra pounds to increase the risk of injury and serious conditions such as heart disease. Although many experts are quick to place responsibility on the heavy individuals, significant cultural problems aren’t making it any easier for people to shed unwanted pounds.   1) Nutrition information is overwhelming and

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​​Weight Loss Mistakes that Most Women Make

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. The most recent studies reveal that more than 66 percent of the U.S. population is either overweight or obese, with more people being obese than overweight. To further exacerbate the revelation of the impact that obesity is having on the nation as a

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How Sleep Impacts Weight Gain

If you are on a diet or are trying to lose weight, there may be a good reason to head to bed a little earlier each night. Many studies have been conducted on the links between sleep and weight gain, and you may be surprised to learn that the number of hours you spend getting some shut eye at night

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Childhood Obesity: A Modern Plague

Childhood obesity is on the rise as never before. In the past three decades the number of obese children has increased three fold and the World Health Organisation rate obesity as one of their highest ranked concerns.  The spread of obesity is such that it has even been described as a modern plague with nearly one-third of American adolescents being

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