Category Archives: Exercise

Fitness for Over-40s

Just because you’ve hit 40 doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to being out of shape. In fact, you need to take extra care of your health since you are aging and aren’t as resilient as when you were young. One way to get back in shape is by working out, even if your age does make it a

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3 Tips To Set And Achieve Fitness Goal

There’s something about New Year resolutions, something that makes you take your notepad out and put your thinking cap on every New Year’s Eve. You want your New Year resolutions to be well thought out and reflective of what you want the rest of the year to be like. But there is something else about New Year’s resolutions too, something

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5 Low Impact Exercises for Obese People

When you’re overweight, it’s easy to feel self -conscious about how you look when exerting yourself doing exercise. It feels like everyone is looking at you, and your red flushed face. That’s why it’s important for obese individuals to be able to exercise discreetly and to do exercises that reflect their current fitness level. We’ll discuss several ways to get

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5 Reasons to Make Your Workout as Fun as Possible

Are you looking to lose weight and get fit? If your workout routine isn’t fun and engaging, you may find losing weight more challenging than it should be. As people who’ve attempted strict diets might know, it’s very hard to stick with something and lose weight if you don’t enjoy doing it.   Workouts are an important part of fitness

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10 Ways to Exercise Without Going to a Gym

We all know exercise protects against diabetes, cancers, and heart disease and helps us cope with stress and become more agile. But many people associate exercise with spending tedious hours using boring machines in a gym. This is a relatively new idea, since for most of humanity’s existence exercise was simply part of everyday life. So here are ten ways

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