30 Healthy Eating Tips

30 Healthy Eating Tips

Eating healthy is essential for maintaining overall well-being and longevity. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides vital nutrients that support bodily functions, enhance immune health, and improve mental clarity. Consuming nutritious foods can help manage weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and boost energy levels. Additionally, healthy eating fosters better mood and mental health by stabilizing blood sugar levels and providing essential vitamins and minerals. By prioritizing nutritious choices, you can promote a healthier lifestyle and improve your quality of life in the long run.

1. EAT A WIDE VARIETY OF FRUITS AND VEGGIES. Studies show that the more variety of healthy fruits and veggies consumed, the greater protection from heart disease and cancer. Some people mistakenly eat a greater quantity of 2 or 3 types of fruits and veggies thinking they are eating adequate amounts. However,it is the variety of many different nutrients that provide the body with the tools to protect the body.

2 ADD GREEN FOODS TO YOUR DIET It takes 26 apples today to provide the same nutrients as 1 apple in 1914. Some studies show up to an 80% decrease in nutrients of factory farmed produce, developed cheaply to look good but are nutrient poor. Green foods offer a solution with tremendous vitamins, nutrients, protein, essential fatty acids, prebiotics and detoxification abilities. The powerful trio of green foods incudes chorella, Spiralina, and chlorophyll.

3. CONSUME ORGANICALLY GROWN FOODS. Eat organic foods whenever possible. Either grow your own or visit your local farmer's market. Support organic and small farmers, and improve your own health by consuming more organic foods - those without chemicals, pesticides, growth hormones, and genetic modification.

4. READ THE FOOD LABEL Get into a habit of reading the labels on food. While they may have messages such as "Low Fat" or "Reduced Calorie" written all over the front of the package or can, when you read the label and understand what you are looking for, you will probably be surprised. Regardless of what the claim may be, the label may tell another story. The FDA provides these important guidelines, therefore, should be what you look for. If the message and label do not jive, move on to a different product.

5. CONSUME RAW FRUITS & VEGGIES. Cooking food destroys up to 50% of the protein contained, 70-90% of the vitamins, and 100% of the phytonutrients. Especially when most foods are now grown on factory farms with nutrient depleted soils, after cooking it's no wonder so many of us have nutrient deficiencies. To maximize health, consider consuming at least some of your daily calories from fresh, whole, raw, unprocessed fruits and veggies, preferably organic to minimizes chemicals and pesticides.

EAT GARLIC DAILY TO DECREASE CANCER RISK Studies show that 1-2 cloves of garlic per day can decrease risk of colon cancer by 30% and decrease risk of stomach cancer by 50%. Garlic have antibiotic properties, and have been used to treat infections caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites for generations. Cloves of crushed garlic were often provided to wounded soldiers on the battlefield to prevent infection.

CONSUME GREEN TEA DAILY. For a fast way to boost your metabolic rate, sip a couple cups of green tea daily. This beverage contains powerful compounds that will cause you to expend more energy 24/7, boosting your fat loss progress. Green Tea is a powerful antioxidant 20 times more powerful than Vitamin E and 50 times more powerful than Vitamin C. Green Tea is a free radical scavenger that also improves cardiovascular health.

BEGIN YOUR DAY WITH OATMEAL Oatmeal is one of the top foods to eat first thing in the morning because it's low in sugar, high in fiber, and even packs in a small dose of protein. Best of all, it's a very high-volume food meaning you can eat quite a bit for few calories.

EXAMINE YOUR DIET TO MAXIMIZE YOUR HEALTH It was estimated that of the 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. yearly, 1.8 million are diet related (roughly 82%). To maximize health, examine your diet carefully and attempt to minimize unhealthy fats (trans fats, saturated fats, hydrogenated fats): minimize fried foods; minimize processed sugar and high fructose corn syrup (especially sodas): and avoid added pesticides and chemicals. Attempt to maximize whole, unprocessed, organic fruits, and vegetables; healthy fats (fish and flax oils); and pasture raised, lean organic meats.

10. DRINK WATER Make water your primary drink after breakfast. Instead of drinking soda or juice. Don't wait to drink water until you feel thirsty. If you're thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. Water is excellent for the body and good health. Water helps flush out toxins and other unwanted things lingering in the body. Water also replenishes fluids that help lubricate the internal body, keeps you hydrated, reduces hunger, which helps with weight loss, and helps to make skin look smooth and young.

11. TAKE A VITAMIN & MINERAL SUPPLEMENT Exposure to environmental chemicals, stress, lack of sleep, and illness all increase the body's need for vitamins and minerals. Most Americans would see improved health with a good vitamin and mineral supplement. Consider adding a good general vitamin and mineral supplement if you are not already taking one.

12. ADD VITAMIN C RICH FOODS TO YOUR DAILY DIET Recent studies from Johns Hopkins University reveal that Vitamin C not only boosts the immune system, but it can lower blood pressure by about 5 points at a 500 mg daily dose. It also helps improve endothelial function, which improves blood vessel flexibility, thereby reducing risk of stroke and heart attack. Under periods of stress, the body needs drastically increased levels of Vitamin C to keep the immune system functioning properly.

13. CONSUME FRUITS ALONE OR AN HOUR BEFORE MEAL. Fruits (both sweet and citrus) are digested in the intestines, passing through the stomach without processing. If eaten with other foods (sugar, fats, breads, milk, meats) fruits may be delayed in the stomach causing fermentation (rotting). If you have digestive difficulties with fruits, consider consuming them alone, or waiting at least one hour before eating other food groups.

14. DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST. It is The most important meal of the day. Research shows that people who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight. Studies show that people that eat breakfast improve their memory and performance at work or school.

15. LEARN TO COPE BETTER WITHOUT OVER-EATING. Analyze why you overeat. If you have other issues (depression, boredom, stress), learn to cope better with them without using food.

16. EAT NUTS MODERATELY. Nuts can be a very healthy addition to your daily diet, the calories add up incredibly quickly. Make sure that you always moderate your portion size so things never get out of control.

17. EAT FREQUENT MEALS. Eating frequent meals keeps your body working throughout the day. Eat 4-5 small meals a day instead of 2-3 big meals. Dinner should be your last meal of the day.

18. BOOST YOUR METABOLISM WITH CHILLI PEPPERS. If you want to kick-start your fat loss progress, consider adding some Chilli peppers to your diet. These contain a certain compound known as Capsaicin, which will cause your body to expend more energy as heat for the next few hours. Plus the added spiciness of the dish may also help you reduce how many calories you consume.

19. MAKE YOUR OWN FRUIT AND VEGETABLE JUICE. Raw fruits and vegetables that contain the pulp and fiber are far superior nutritionally to commercial juices because the vitamins, minerals and enzymes remain intact, and the fiber/pulp slows insulin response. Processed or concentrated juices are diluted and pasteurized (heated) creating a mostly fructose drink similar to soda in insulin response.

20. STOP EATING BEFORE BEDTIME. To optimize rest for the digestive system, it is best to stop eating at least 3 hours before bedtime. Calories consumed in the evening are much more likely to be stored as fat, resulting in weight gain. Adjust your night-time snacking or evening meal to allow at least 3 hours to digest before bedtime.

21. CONSUME ORGANICALLY GROWN MEAT. A recent study in the British Journal of Cancer based on 6643 subjects found that a 50-gram increase in processed meat (hot dogs, lunchmeat) increased pancreatic cancer risk by 19%. Toxins, hormones, and drugs are stored in the fat cells of humans and animals. Minimize your exposure to these hazards by avoiding processed meats, by purchasing organically grown, grass fed or free-range lean meats.

22. SWITCH TO SKIM OR 2% MILK. Switch from regular milk to 2%, or from 2% to skim milk. Each step downward cuts about 20% of calories for you.

23. CONSUME WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Whole-grain breads are higher in fiber than white breads are. Make sure you're getting at least 2 grams of dietary fiber per slice. Whole grains are complex carbohydrates that break down into more sustainable energy. Eating white breads actually rapidly elevates blood sugar levels in your body.

24. LIMIT FAST FOOD MEAL. Fast food can be very high in trans fatty acids, sodium and calories. Just one super-sized fast-food meal of a sandwich fries, and soda can have more calories, fat, and added sugar than you need in an entire day. Generally the more processed a food is, the less vitamins, minerals and nutrients it contains, and the more chemicals, toxins, pesticides and preservatives it contains.

25. CONSUME PROTEIN AT EVERY MEAL. To optimally preserve your lean body mass while losing weight, it is extremely important to consume some type of lean protein at every meal. Protein is a great nutrient to prevent you from overeating because it will fill you up quicker. It is also another nutrient that is energy costly which means it takes more calories to digest and utilize protein than it does a carbohydrate. Your best sources of protein are beef, beans, chicken, lentils, fish, broccoli, corn, eggs, chickpeas, artichoke and dairy.

26. EAT HEALTHY FATS. Healthy fats are found in wild fish, omega 3 supplements, olive oil, coconuts, cod liver oil, and walnuts. Healthy fats give you plumper skin. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for healthy brain function, to prevent cardiovascular disease, to reduce homocysteine and hypertension levels, to support cell walls, to control blood lipids and cholesterol levels, and to decrease cancer risk. Increase your intake of Omega-3 and reduce Omega-6.

27. ADD HIGH FIBER FOODS INTO YOUR DIET. Fiber is very important to your health and your weight loss goals. Fiber is a substance in plants. It is in fruits, vegetables, beans and grains. It is the part of the plant that your body can't digest. Yet it is an important part of a healthy diet. It adds bulk to your diet and makes you feel full faster, helping you control your weight. Fiber helps digestion and helps prevent constipation. You should add fiber to your diet slowly. Increasing dietary fiber too quickly can lead to gas, bloating and cramps.

28. REPLACE SUGAR & SALT WITH SPICES Most cooking spices have been providing medicinal benefits for thousands of years, and are a healthy addition to the diet. Consider replacing sugar and salt with spices like basil, black pepper, cloves, coriander, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, mint, red chili pepper, and rosemary. Sugar consumption, including high fructose corn syrup, can weaken the immune system by up to 50% (depending on the size of the dose) for up to 4 hours. Salty foods can cause fluid retention and eye puffiness.

29. AVOID ADDICTIVE FOODS. Addictive foods cause cravings, and sometimes gas, bloating and discomfort. Observe which foods you might be addicted to, and substitute other foods or distract yourself to avoid them. It usually takes 3-5 days to completely flush addictive foods from the body to relieve cravings, making weight control significantly easier.

30. EAT MORE LOW FAT YOGURT. The calcium in low-fat yogurt triggers a hormonal response that inhibits your body from producing fat cells.

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